Start Ups in Quarantine (Food)
Businesses are sprouting everywhere, especially online. Watch what I highly recommend and try them.
Nothing makes people happy other than FOOD. Here’s my TOP PICKS for start ups that boomed this quarantine.
When the pandemic hits, everyone started hoarding food and supplies, Dine out was out of the question, Some of our favourite food outlet closed down. Now, we are in the midst of rebuilding our economy where new business ventures started spreading online, where it is more reachable and convenient for people to see what they are looking for.
Happiness from sweets
Salty, sour and crunchy
From my fave Chef
Crinkles for high tea
▫️0:00 Intro
▫️1:00 - Kremanila
▫️2:09 - Chef Isajo's Kitchen
▫️3:08 - Giant Taho
▫️3:48 - ChiAu's
▫️4:19 - Avalicious